"Invitation" 24 x 24 - Encaustic Mixed Media Collage, 2008
Life is full of invitations! For me I am intentionally choosing the authentic ones; the ones that create growth and joy...This piece is about those choices to be vulnerable in relationships, to live life with those that cherish and respect your journey. Everyday we are faced with the choice to embrace love. Our soul speaks to us in every moment, beckoning us to listen and be in touch, to centre, and really feel...Life can be full of what we want it to be if we listen, be still and allow. This is what this piece signifies for me ...Holding precious the kindred spirits that come into our lives and to embrace love and vulnerability in relationships.
These past two days have been reminders for me about this soul journey, about life and love, relationship and letting it all come to you ...Allowing it to flow. The miracles of life.... My lovely little sis and her love partner, friend and now daddy, Darren, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Esme Priya. I had the privilege to be a doula to my sis...and together, Tina, Darren and I witnessed the birth of this precious life coming to us into our lives on January 20th, 12:27 p.m....and it was amazing....To be on the other side and witness this birth was wonderful ...and flooded me with memories of Maya's birth and Jeff's love and care.
I am filled with gratitude for this mystery and joy of birth and welcome precious little Esme Priya into the world...I relished every moment of holding her as she slept or comforted her in her first day of living.
In the words of Rabindranath Tagore, a great Bengali Poet (East Indian), " The tapestry of life's story is woven with the threads of life's ties ever joining and breaking."