Round three of six....here are some images of Seth Apter's book, that I completed...Seth's book theme is "Distressed Elements", check out his work on his own book. I have to say I really enjoyed working on this book and thinking about the concept of 'distressed' and 'element'...What makes an element distressed? Is it time, passing through generations, the natural elements of air, water, fire/heat/sun, and the earth's natural artistic brush strokes...the beauty of those distressed elements tell a story all by themselves...the energies of past lives that may have picked up those pieces feed the work inevitably in my mind...I received Seth's lovely book from Veronica awhile back, and have since then, been living with her lovely pages as well as, Seth's, trying to decide what I might do to add to the book... Here is the outcome..I now send off the book to lovely Roxanne, to work her magic. This Inner Works Collaborative has been a great project thus far...hope you are enjoy the journey through the blogs too.
Also a special and big thank you to Seth Apter, for the extra vote of confidence in my growth as an artist, he has posted a link on his blog site, The Altered Page, on his sidebar panel, in the inspiration section to my work on the "Wax Libris" post, which is an exhibit happening in June at the Third Annual Encaustic Conference in Beverly, Mass. at the Montserrat College of Art.