The encaustic medium is magical, vibrant and translucent.  My creative muse guides, inspires and feeds my soul through this medium, mixed media and collage.  Blessing me with endless moments of creative joy and harmony...providing those ahhaa moments about life.  Join me on this creative journey, spend some time reading my musings about this life, the blessed other souls that come into contact with mine, however brief or often, that can leave everlasting imprints on our journey....perhaps our lives might share some similarities, bringing us closer and more connected...and less isolated.

"I suppose there is one friend in the life of each of us who seems not a separate person, however dear and beloved, but an expansion, an interpretation, of one's self, the very meaning of one's soul." ~ Edith Wharton

Here's to finding those expansive moments.....

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A new series my heart is creating.......Heart Mapping Series

New Heart and Mapping Series, Encaustic Mixed Media, Sept. 2011

"Listening to My Heart's Whispers", Encaustic Mixed Media, 6 x 12, 2011

"Roots of Change Bloom", Encaustic Mixed Media, 6 x 12, 2011

"Wide Open", Encaustic Mixed Media, 6 x 12, 2011

"A different journey knocking on my heart", Encaustic Mixed Media, 6x 12, 2011

"Heart Dream #5", Encaustic Mixed Media, 6 x 6, 2011

"Golden Autumn", Encaustic Mixed Media, 8 x 8, 2011

New pedestals for the studio, tops made by Livio Finora...Thank you!

Another view from the side of the studio 

These photos above are a glimpse of my new work....I showed them at the Studio Tour this past weekend...they are sold, however, the customer, kindly agreed to let me get a professional shot of I can get them back on loan for a day or two next week...I often acknowledge in myself the process of creativity..this being one of creating within one's own psyche first, journalling, reflecting on the journey, then creating hands on, showing and selling (as I make a living doing this)...and on occasion if I haven't lived with work long enough, I find I might long or miss the pieces for a while...
It feels like this for these new heart and mapping pieces....a sense of attachment has developed...Could be that it is new work and I didn't get to live with them long enough, or that I haven't yet gotten them professionally photographed...the good news is the person who bought them, lives here locally, and has offered to let me have them back for the day to photograph them,...and I know I have more within me, to create more with this new heart & mapping series....
I wonder how other artists manage this process of letting go of their art work?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Elora-Fergus Studio Tour in Full Swing.....two weekends to visit...

The Elora-Fergus Studio Tour is in full swing, started this weekend, September 24th and 25th, was a great weekend, with lots of visitors, returning customers and wonderful friends and family to chat and mingle with...thanks for coming out this weekend.  The feedback was heart warming and really fosters my continued practice and growth in my art career...I am deeply appreciative of the support and positive feedback to my work.

Next weekend we do it all over again, it really is a great year to visit, it is the 25th Silver Anniversary of the Elora-Fergus Studio tour...and there are many great artists to visit...get inspired by and take home a treasure or two or more ......hope to see you this upcoming weekend ...same place and time, Sat. and Sunday 10- 5 at the studio.  Studio tour maps can be downloaded from the website or they can be found at the Elora Centre for the Arts and various locations in and around town, and the Toronto area.....

Look for these signs to know where there is a studio to pop into.....

Friday, September 16, 2011

Blaze of Colour opens at the UpTown Gallery today - 6-8 p.m.

Blaze of Colour exhibit opens at the UpTown Gallery today 6-8 p.m.

UpTown Gallery, Waterloo Town Square, 75 King Street South, Waterloo, ON  

Blaze of Colour features the works of artists Diane Eastham, Elaine Cowan, and Louise Marée as they celebrate the vibrancy of colour in different media.

Opening Reception is Friday, September 16th, from 6 to 8 pm Show runs from Friday, September 16th to Saturday, November 12th, 2011

Please come visit our lovely new space, meet the great artists and enjoy the show.....

Monday, September 12, 2011

Studio Tour Time - Come for a Visit..My Studio is Open to you, demos, refreshments, and lots more to savour.....

The Elora-Fergus Studio Tour is on again, this time we are celebrating the 25th Silver Anniversary of the Studio Tour...I will have my studio open each weekend of Sat & Sun. Sept. 24th and 25th and Sat. & Sun. Oct. 1st and 2nd, from 10- 5 open for you to visit, have some cider, refreshments, demonstrations in encaustics, collage and see some of my new work for show and sale.

Would love for you to pop in and stay a while ...... Supria's Designs Studio

The Group Show of all the artist's work is this Thurs. Sept. 15th at the Minarovich Gallery, Elora Centre for the Arts,  7:30 p.m.  Meet all the artists and see a lovely diverse selection of the work available to view in and around Elora, Fergus, Salem, Alma and more....