"Imagine all the people living in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one." ~ John Lennon.
Recently, I have been enjoying the process of dreaming and dream work, the reflecting on them and being totally amazed at how crazy the dreams can be sometimes.....sometimes they are full of colour, vivid, vibrant and loud....full of emotion, images and meaning...other times they are hazy, vague and distant..as if I am only observing..yet these too are still full of meaning but more "ephemeral and mysterious" which require a little more pondering, wondering, as if I am making my way through a thick, overgrown tropical jungle during a thick fog. What I am absolutely loving is that I am finding the act of dreaming and the journalling of my dreams are like "treasure chests of self-understanding". The process has been a gift given to me by a wonderful fellow, local artist, Marilyn Koop, whose vision it was to put together, curate and coordinate a "Dream" Exhibit...where 21 artists will be sharing their dreams, process and the meanings that they derive from their dreams. This exhibit opens June 12th and runs until July 20th, at the Minarovich Gallery, at the Elora Centre for the Arts.
I imagine this to be an intriguing, meaningful, fun and inspiring exhibit....as I am sure many of the creative artists involved will have wonderfully vivid dreams, full of imagery, symbols and stories to be told, created, heard and enjoyed...I wonder what your dreams are like, what meaning you get from them and what you would be willing to share about your dreaming process or dream content with others in the world????
"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens." ~ Carl Jung