"Lost in the Bush", 2007 Encaustic Mixed Media Collage, Copper Framed, 24 x 24

"Art Elation", 2009 Encaustic Mixed Media Collage, 8 1/4 x 16 1/4
Below: Detail of the next with A-R-T eggs.

Spring is here...I brought in the Spring dancing my heart out to the fantastic music producer, engineer, composer, DJ of
Andrew McPherson...it was just what my heart and soul needed....Recently I bought the SHIVA BOOM Cd and it is so wildly wonderful...
check out www.eccodek.com
With the Spring I have once again been thinking about our lovely bird friends, their beauty, wisdom and their lovely nests they call home...I have used the nesting imagery quite a bit lately and in the past...and find myself revisiting it again for the Spring Show at the
Globe Studios, May 1st, 2nd and 3rd..come and visit me there. Here is a poem to our fine feathered friends and to your HAPPY SPRING!
Words from the Aviary - D.G. Jones
"I would clothe you in feathers
You are too bare
in your long bones when the wind
sighs in the snow
You are a movement of birds
I would clothe you in voices
appellations, words
spare as the mirror of a young girl
or raw, and deliquescent as the crow's
cawing over chill fields
It is not clothing but a call
of voices, nameless
gone into the still air
of the small birds that drift
above a river running among stones
in the Haute-Savoie
above the grasses of the steppe, and in the small
trees of the taiga
in the summer forest
along the Ottawa
I would surround you with a guard
of heron like a tall
smoke, I would surround you with a choir
or unrecorded waterbirds, exiguous
emerging from a wall
beyond the Nile
I would have you smile, and see the sun
arrested, rest among your bones
as glistening
you move within the garden of your names, diaphanous
You walk as you have always walked
through desert yards, the cold
spaces where the night
sighs among the stars
the sunken orchard where the wind
sighs in the snow
You are an overture
You come
like a migration
like the first waters of the world
with the entelechy of flowers
And then your naked summer
silences my words.